Wednesday 22 February 2017

So, this is a thing now.

To whoever's reading this:

I salute you. And myself, because if you can see this, it means I've successfully published my first ever blog post. Yay to not falling flat on my face straight out of the starting gate!

Now, on to the blog itself. What's this all about, one might wonder? Well, as the title suggests, this is a blog dedicated to alternate (or 'counterfactual', 'speculative', etc.) history. Every week I'll take a look at certain developments in history and try to answer the question of 'well, what if this occurred differently?' What if the Battle of Waterloo had gone the other way, what if World War I never broke out, what if Adolf Hitler got punted to his death by an irate mountain goat at Berghof in 1933...and much, much more.

Naturally I'm going to try to avoid the common clichés that have been explored endlessly elsewhere, things like 'what if the Nazis won WWII'. I'll also welcome suggestions from you, the reader, on interesting points-of-divergence and scenarios to explore - though I'd prefer suggestions that don't fall into clichéd territory.

Finally, I will do my best to update this blog regularly: every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, allowing myself enough time to research, edit and proofread my entries.

Well, I believe that's all. Happy reading and please don't forget to leave comments, folks! Be it praise, criticism (so long as it doesn't cross the lines of civility), questions or suggestions for future entries, I'd like to hear what you have to say.

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